In the said article, it showed this couple picture of Brian Joo and HwangBo.

I do think they look great and obviously, they are very comfortable with each other. Now, that left me wondering...are they really dating in real life? I do want Hwang Bo to be happy and settle down coz she's not getting any younger..but I'm torn coz I'm a JoongBo fan and I really wished that she and Kim Hyun Joong would end up together but since it did not happened, I think Brian is okay too. He's so fun to be with if I'm going to base it from the different guestings on variety shows and I really think their personalities match.
Anyway, let's just see where this will end.
Note: I love Hwang Bo with blond hair. She looks chic! haha General hwang Bo is long gone ^_^
Kim Hyun Joong, beware...Many guys wants Hwang Bo to be their buin hehe ^_^