I have been addicted to Asian boybands since the F4 (Taiwan) craze started a couple of years back...My favorites are F4 (of course!), DBSK, UN (they are disbanded already), SS501 and now Super Junior! This started when I came across their reality show "SuJu Full House" in Youtube..I know this was aired in Korea in 2006 but I just finished watching it today..and I love them! They are super funny and fun to watch..Another thing that intrigued me about this group is that it is composed of 13 members! Yup! 13!! haha 13 gorgeous looking guys in a group that can sing and dance..what more can you ask for? ^_^
If you want to watch SuJu Full House with english subtitles, you can click here. I have compiled all the videos with good quality subtitles in one playlist already :)
After watching them, I can't help but have my favorites..Here they are:My #1 is Kibum
He is the cutest of them all because I think he looks like an angel. He knows how to communicate in English, has a great voice, can act and dance and of course, his famous killer smile ^_^
I can't help but fall for him whenever I see him smiling innocently haha ^_^ All the rest have no specific placement in my heart..haha except for Kibum, I think the following members are all tied up in second place then those who are not mentioned are on my last lolzNext is Donghae..I like his smile, his playfulness and he is soft spoken too. Very fun to watch :)
I like Hankyung because he is very patient with the other members. He also knows how to cook and treat guests very well. I believe he is the only foreigner in the group (he's Chinese). And based on the show, he can't tell a lie very well hehe :)
Siwon is very gentleman to the guest so I like to believe that he is like that in person too. He is very funny and serious at the same time.
I had watched Kyuhyun in Star King before when he sang with Charice Pempengco. I liked him because of that "A Whole New World" performance because his voice is so nice to listen to. Plus he's a cutie hehe :)
And now for the 2 funniest members of Super Junior..I can't stop laughing whenever these 2 are present haha even though they are not that good looking for me (I like cute, angelic and almost feminine faces lolz), they still are nice to watch ^_^ Eunhyuk
I will leave one of their MV for you guys to watch. Till next time! Thank you for dropping by :)
by Super Junior